The Journey Begins…

After prayerful consideration, coupled with the Holy Spirit guiding you to unite with our local church family, the journey begins by:

Walking Forward:

At the conclusion of the sermon, our Pastor offers what is called, The Invitation to Christian Discipleship. This is the designated time to come forward if, for the first time, you are receiving Jesus Christ as your Savior, or you are rededicating your life to Christ, and/or if you are in search of a local church home and would like to become a disciple of Christ at The faith family of West Point. Responding to the invitation is an essential, simple step in accordance to Scripture, instructing each to make a public profession of faith. If you’re an introvert or bashful, and walking forward takes you out of your comfort zone, it’s fine, just let a member of our I’ll Walk With You Ministry know that you want to join, and they will either walk with you or guide you to a Deacon.

New Convert (Water Baptism):

Baptism is an essential and rewarding observance demonstrating your heart’s commitment to the Lord. You can have a water baptism on the 3rd Sunday at 9:45 a.m., before Sunday Morning Glory Worship.

New Disciple Intake:

These classes are encouraged for all new members and are the primary requirement for ministry involvement. Classes are designed to inform you of foundational concepts, including church history, our statement of faith, our mission, vision, and goals. It also covers topics of the Christian faith, such as God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Christian precepts, the Fallibility of Humankind, Salvation, Baptism, Prayer, and Stewardship. New Disciple classes also exist to encourage you to get involved with your new Church via our ministries. You will be introduced to how God has equipped us to serve effectively within the Body of Christ through teachings on spiritual gifts and utilizing those gifts in ministry.

New Disciples Classes:

These classes are required for all new members, and is the primary requirement for involvement in ministries. Classes are designed to inform you of foundational concepts including church history, our statement of faith, our mission, vision and goals. It also covers topics of the Christian faith such as God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Christian precepts, Man and Sin, Salvation, Baptism, Prayer and tithing. New Disciple classes also exist to encourage you to get involved with your new Church via our ministries. You will be introduced to how God has equipped each one of us to serve effectively within the Body of Christ through teachings on spiritual gifts and utilizing those gifts in ministry.

New Member Information Form

Worship Times

Sunday Morning Worship:
10:00 am

Bible Study:
7:00 pm Virtual Wednesday in the Word

Contact Information


3566 S. Cottage Grove Ave.
Chicago, Il 60653


Social Media